Psalm 143:11 (CSB) 11 For your name's sake, LORD, let me live. In your righteousness deliver me from trouble,

Psalm 143:11 (CSB) 11 For your name's sake, LORD, let me live. In your righteousness deliver me from trouble,

This is the same plea that Moses made on mount Sinai in Exodus 32:12 (CSB) 12 "Why should the Egyptians say, 'He brought them out with an evil intent to kill them in the mountains and eliminate them from the face of the earth'? Turn from your fierce anger and relent concerning this disaster planned for your people."  His name is to be praised throughout all nations and peoples. His name is holy and should not be cursed. His name is to be praised and not slandered. The name of His only Son Jesus is the name above all names by which mankind must be saved. At the name of Jesus everyone will bow (Philippians 2:10). It's our choice when and how willing! Will we now out of choice or will be made to bow in his presence when we reach eternity? Solomon made a whole prayer dedicating the temple about God's name (1 kings 8,  2 Chronicles 6).


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