2 Timothy 3:14 (CSB) But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed. You know those who taught you,

Timothy has received instruction first hand from Paul. This is classic discipleship / apprenticeship one older man training a younger man his trade. Giving him the schooling he needs to carry on the work in another town or after the teacher is gone. Not just schooling in the trade but for everyday life. No doubt that when Timothy had questions he would be able to ask Paul and Paul would teach Timothy drawing from his life and his knowledge of scripture. We in modern education have turned it around we supply a few teachers to teach a bunch of students. Even in church we expect the Sunday school teachers to teach our kids while we say nothing about God all week in our homes. We expect the pastor to teach us all about God but then we don't study the bible to see if what the pastor said is true. Evil is still spread from one person to another. We don't have classes how to this evil or that evil and the world is increasing in the evil it does. Should not the church of Jesus continue to grow in the way Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul modeled before us, one man training one to twelve guys. With a focus on three or less to impact and teach them to do this work.

No doubt some of you maybe saying what a helping your brother remove the speck in his eye while you have a plank in your eye. Jesus says first to remove the plank then you can help him with his speck. In other words take care of your faults with God then turn around and help your brother with his (Matthew 7:3-5).


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