2 Timothy 4:1 (CSB) I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and because of his appearing and his kingdom:

Before God the whole world is exposed, all of it's shameful acts and deep dark secretes. And Paul is having Timothy stand before God with a charge. Not with an accusation but a challenge. God is the witness to this challenge and to Timothy's response. God is looking for this young man to decide wether he will accept this challenge or not. Jesus is also called to this meeting. Why? Because He alone judges between the living and dead. He will judge the living and dead person, but He also judges the living and dead actions. The Holy Spirit will challenge the motives behind all of Timothy's actions to keep Him on the living side of the judgement seat. Paul is also challenging Timothy because of Jesus' appearing. They did not know when Jesus would return like a thief in the night to take His church home to Heaven (1 Thessalonians 5:1-22). Last of all Paul is challenging Timothy because of Jesus' kingdom. It needs more people. God desires all men to come into a relationship with Him through his son Jesus (1 Timothy 2:4). How about you and I? Will we be ready to answer the challenge of Paul in verse 2 of Chapter 4 before God and Jesus?


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