John 15:6 (CSB) "If anyone does not remain in me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers. They gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

I can not escape the fact that Jesus said those who do not remain in Him is cut off and thrown into hell. So what does it mean to remain in the vine? We must follow the rules and commands of God. We must be willing to obey what Jesus said. We must seek after Jesus in what we do. So what does it take to be removed from the vine? Does one sin remove us?  I don't think so. But we must still ask for forgiveness for that one sin. If we don't repent from that one sin and keep doing it for a long time and God is putting his finger on your heart to stop and we don't listen then He will remove his finger and his presence in your life. At this point I believe we have been cut from the vine and we must do our first works over and repent and allow Jesus to come back into our lives. No doubt some may say that at the point when God removes his finger and His presence that we are just out of fellowship with Him and then you must still repent and ask God to be back in fellowship with Him. Either way I don't want to be in that place. I have experienced it once about 9 years ago. I felt God remove His presence from my life because I would not deal with pornography in my life. I recognized what was happening and I quickly repented and ask Jesus to forgive me. To me it was real enough that I felt I had lost my salvation. If I had lost my salvation or I was just out of fellowship with God, God knows for sure, but I never want sin to control my like in such a way that I have to go through that again. I encourage us to repent of those sins that plague our lives as often as possible and seek after God as much as possible to be in the vine more today then we were yesterday.


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