John 15:8 (CSB) "My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be my disciples.

How do we prove that we are Jesus' disciple? That we produce much fruit. One way we produce much fruit is by love. John 13:34-35 says that we prove we are Jesus disciples IF we love one another. Not just a I will put up with you brother because I have to love, but a love that goes so deep that whatever a brother or sister needs we provide. A love that bears one another's burdens and joys. A unity that shares all things in common. A unity that will correct each other out of love. A unity that will rebuke in love. A unity that will help one another to grow and produce much fruit. No one expects a small young tree to produce the same amount of fruit as a 30 year old mature tree. On the same coin a tree should be growing and producing more fruit year by year. We are commanded to help the young grow and mature into a fruitful mature tree. The great commission of Matthew 28:18-20 says that we are to make disciples. A disciple is a learned follower. A disciple grows in knowledge and wisdom of their mentor. We either point young Christians and the world toward Christ or away from Him. Are we a John the Baptist (John 1:29), a Micah (Judges 17) or a Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:27-30)?


  1. Why did you use both an example of Micah and Rehoboam? Is one "better" than the other to some degree? Since Micah used an actual Levite and Rehoboam used whoever he wanted to, does that make a difference?

  2. Micah lead one man astray. While Rehoboam lead a whole nation. We have to be careful we could lead one person astray or a whole nation. I guess I could have used David or Moses as an example of someone leading a whole nation toward God. 


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