1 John 1:6 (CSB) If we say, "We have fellowship with him," and yet we walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth.

The Christian life can be paralleled to  life or death, light or darkness, fresh or salt water, blessings or curses. The word of darkness here is defined as shadiness (Strong's #G4655). We can not have fellowship with God if there is any shady actions in our life.

Matthew 6:23 (CSB) "But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. So if the light within you is darkness, how deep is that darkness!

Luke 11:35 (CSB) "Take care, then, that the light in you is not darkness.

Darkness is out of the will of God. So how can we walk together in unity with God when we are outside the will of God for our life? We cannot! Are are to get our "marching orders" from God. To know when God is giving us a picture of his will we have to be his sheep so that way we can know his voice. To know his voice we have to be spending time reading His Word the Bible, and praying and asking God to speak to us and to help us see His will. It is all up to us and our obedience to what God is telling us to do. God will equip us to Do what He is telling us to do but we first must take the first step to get into the Light, the will is God! When we willing do not walk in the will of God, yet talk that we are in fellowship with God and listening to the Voice of of God, We are lying! God wants our obedience. God wants more than just talk, He wants our walk, our obedience, our life!

1 John 1:6 (Brian) if we say, "we have communion with God", yet we walk in shadiness out of the will of God we are uttering untruths and are not committing the Truth.

1 Corinthians 11:27:32


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