“But I have received everything in full, and I have an abundance. I am fully supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you provided — a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” Philippians 4:18 HCSB

“But I considered it necessary to send you Epaphroditus — my brother, coworker, and fellow soldier, as well as your messenger and minister to my need — since he has been longing for all of you and was distressed because you heard that he was sick. Indeed, he was so sick that he nearly died. However, God had mercy on him, and not only on him but also on me, so that I would not have one grief on top of another. For this reason, I am very eager to send him so that you may rejoice when you see him again and I may be less anxious. Therefore, welcome him in the Lord with all joy and hold men like him in honor, because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up what was lacking in your ministry to me.”

Philippians 2:25-30 HCSB


Epaphroditus was used by the church in Philippi to deliver their gift of support to Paul. Then he became sick and was healed by God. And now he will deliver this letter back to the Church. Their gift was a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 

““Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has oversight of the lamp oil, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and everything in it, the holy objects and their utensils.””

Numbers 4:16 HCSB


Eleazar son of Aaron was entrusted with the things of the temple. In the same way Epaphroditus was entrusted with their gift to Paul. Those who can be trusted with few things will begin to be trusted with more until they are given nations to govern over in God’s kingdom. 

“The one who is victorious and keeps My works to the end: I will give him authority over the nations —”

Revelation 2:26 HCSB


Are you being responsible with what God has given you? Are you a faithful messenger of the Gospel of God? 

“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!”

Romans 10:15 HCSB


If so God, in His own time, will give you more. If not then God will not give you more to be responsible for, but will take it away from you and give it to the one who is faithful. 

“Therefore He said: “A nobleman traveled to a far country to receive for himself authority to be king and then return. He called 10 of his slaves, gave them 10 minas, and told them, ‘Engage in business until I come back.’

“And another came and said, ‘Master, here is your mina. I have kept it hidden away in a cloth because I was afraid of you, for you’re a tough man: you collect what you didn’t deposit and reap what you didn’t sow.’ “He told him, ‘I will judge you by what you have said, you evil slave! If you knew I was a tough man, collecting what I didn’t deposit and reaping what I didn’t sow, why didn’t you put my money in the bank? And when I returned, I would have collected it with interest! ’ So he said to those standing there, ‘Take the mina away from him and give it to the one who has 10 minas.’ “But they said to him, ‘Master, he has 10 minas.’ “ ‘I tell you, that to everyone who has, more will be given; and from the one who does not have, even what he does have will be taken away.”

Luke 19:12-13, 20-26 HCSB



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