“If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t He do much more for you — you of little faith?” Matthew 6:30 HCSB

The view of the world is fastly becoming that we are no different than the animals. Within the next 70 years, I wonder if we would be no different than the grass of the field? 

But God sees and made us to be worth much more than animals. He created us to rule over them. That is why we can train anything to be our pets. We even have figured out how to grow plants inside. We are created in the image of God. Out of the dust God made every animal, but out of the mouth of God, He breathed the breath of life into Adam. He was the only thing to have the breath of life. Sure animals breathe, but they don’t live the way we do. But yet God provides for them. Why would he not provide for us too? 

He clothes the grass of the field with splendor and beauty and in a matter of a few months, they all die and are removed to make room for the grass for next spring. We have a promise that God will too dress us better than He does the grass of the field. 

So where is our faith? God will provide! If our faith is in Walmart, they will remove our favorite item. If our faith is in the government then they will require more from us. But if our faith is in God He will richly provide. Where our faith is there we will find our supply.


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