“I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ name. I have written to you, children, because you have come to know the Father.” 1 John 2:12, 14a HCSB
Here in verses 12-14 John is addressing three groups of people; Children, Fathers, and Young Men. I will be addressing each group individually. I have no intention to exclude the Mothers and Young Women but will try to keep the same language that John is using. So, on to the first group.
Children in the New Testament often refer to the individuals that have heard and received the gospel under the ministry of the writer, in this case, John. And children often are the people who have been discipled by the writer.
Little Children, I send this letter to you because you have been forgiven. Children, I send this letter to you because you have come to know the Father.
The young Christian know very little when they get saved. They have heard the gospel messages and responded positively, their sin has been forgiven. And as they continue to grow into more mature Christians they must have an example to follow and the Bible given to them.
“Like newborn infants, desire the pure spiritual milk, so that you may grow by it for your salvation,”
1 Peter 2:2 HCSB
“We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives because you had become dear to us.”
1 Thessalonians 2:8 HCSB
As the Little Children grow up to be Children they will need less of the milk of the word of God and more solid food. They need less of you teaching the word to them and more of them finding out for the word for themselves. This is accomplished by quiet times and individual bible study. By doing so they come to know The Father because they begin to have Him teach them rather than you and me.
I dread to say that most of the body of Christ never grow to this stage. They sit in the pews of most American churches and only get feed by the teacher and preacher and very rarely feed on the Word of God for themselves.
Do you find yourself in one of these two categories? Are you a Little Child in the Christian walk? If so find someone whom you respect in the Christian life and ask them to help you to walk closer to Jesus. Ask them to help you understand the Bible. Whether you find someone or not, read your bible for yourself. Start reading in the Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Do not read the Bible cover to cover — yet. First, discover who Jesus is and begin to mold your life around what He says. As a preacher once told her sister, “read the red letters in the Bible.”
Are you a child in the Christian walk and your mentor has taken you as far as they can ask them or your Pastor for a referral to another believer whom they respect for their Christian walk. Learn from them and keep growing until you become a young man.
Discipleship in the Christian walk looks intimidating and scary. Because it should be. If anyone went into it walking purely on their own strength they run the risk of teaching the Young Children to walk their Christian purely on their own strength. But if we are humble before God both the Disciple and the Mentor will grow into fathers. I like to think that The Christian walk is more like an apprenticeship. we teach what we have learned from other mature Christians and the Master Jesus who learned from the Father God all through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Be humble but not discraged you have three prefect teachers who do not want you to go the wrong way.
“Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
Matthew 28:18-20 HCSB
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.””
Acts 1:8 HCSB
“But as for you, do not be called ‘Rabbi,’ because you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father, because you have one Father, who is in heaven. And do not be called masters either, because you have one Master, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
Matthew 23:8-12 HCSB
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