“Otherwise what will they do who are being baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, then why are people baptized for them?” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:29‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Before we get too far, I have no exact answer for what baptized for the dead looks like. In some quick research, the Mormons practice it but their theology is wrong. They baptize people on behalf that the person who died may not have made it to heaven. We cannot change the outcome of other’s eternal choices once they have died, but we can influence them to change their destination before they die.

My thought on the baptism of the dead is that it is related to being anointed by another ministry to gain some of their ministries into ours. The transference of power from one ministry to another. If I submit under one ministry and I see that they have what I want in the ways of God I can ask the minister of that ministry to anoint me with oil to gain the aspects of their ministry that will help my ministry. 

The best examples of this I can find in scripture is:

John the Baptist and Jesus. 
Jesus could not begin His ministry until He received baptism from John. After that John’s baptism began to diminish and Jesus’ ministry began to grow rapidly.

Elijah and Elisha.
Elisha could not take the mantle of Prophesy until Elijah gave it up. Once Elijah was taken up in the chariot and left his mantle behind only then could Elisha pick it up.

Moses and Joshua.
Joshua spent considerable time learning from Moses and God. Wherever Moses went Joshua was a few steps behind. As Moses went out to the tent of meetings Joshua would go to and stay. Joshua could take over leadership of the Israelites until Moses was gone and the challenge of leading Isreal was given to him.

Jesus and his disciples.
Jesus spends 3 years helping His disciples learn about God, but then after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was given to them to continue where Jesus left off. 

My caution is this. Be careful that you get anointed by someone who is walking with God. Just as good godly stuff can get transferred so can their sins. If the ministry has a habit of not being faithful with their money they can transfer that on to you. Be aware of their downfalls and pray that they will not get passed down to your ministry.

I would love to include scripture to back up this point but I have not come across any yet. If anyone comes across one I would like to hear it whether for or against this view. 


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