Good Friday Itinerary.

Good Friday morning. I wanted to lay out an itinerary of what happened with Jesus from nightfall Friday till nightfall Saturday, which would be 5:00 Thursday through 5:00 Friday in our time. 

You will find Thursday night activities till day break in; 

Matthew 26:17-75

Mark 14:12-72

Luke 22:7-65

John 13:1-18:27

Entered the upper room. 

Washes the disciple’s feet 

Predicts Judas’ betrayal 

Gives a new command of Love

Predicts Peter’s denial (previously prayed that Peter will be strengthened and not sifted).

Declared that He was the only way to the Father. 

Declared that he was one with the Father. 

Asking in His name and He will do it. 

Promised the Holy Spirit. 

The dwelling of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Gifting of Peace

Declared that He is the vine and we are His branches. 

Declared that we must remain in His love

Predicted the Persecutions of the church. 

Predicted the rejection of the church. 

Sorrow will turn into Joy. 

Predicts the scattering of the disciples. 

Prays for Himself

Prays for his disciples

Prays for the future followers

Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples.

Judas leaves

Travels to the Mountain of olives

The disciples argue about who will take over the ministry. 

Leaves the eight to pray

Leaves Peter James and John to pray

Prays three times

Awakens Peter and the others

Sees the mob coming

Gets kissed by Judas

Watched as the mob fell back at his word and name. 

Stops an all-out fight. 

Heals the ear of the slave of the high priest. 

Get arrested

The disciples flee. (Mark runs away naked). 

Gets beat up by the temple police. 

Gets interviewed by Annas, Caiaphas, and most of the Sanhedrin. 

Peter denials Jesus three times. 

Daybreak: You will find everything that happened to Jesus from daybreak till dark in;

Matthew 27:1-56

Mark 15:1-41

Luke 22:66-23:49

John 18:28-19:37

Taken to Pilot.

Taken to Herod

Beat up by Herod's men

Taken back to Pilot

Questioned by Pilot

Dressed in the Purple robe and crown of thorns.

Whipped by the Romans 39 times. 

Began to walk with his cross toward Calvery. 

Was freed from His cross by Simon. 

Address the women of Jerusalem. 

Stripped naked. 

9:00 am

Nailed to the cross between two thieves. 

Provides for His mom by telling John to take care of her. 

Said “I am thirsty” and “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”

Was offered sour wine in a sponge on a hyssop pole. 

Declared “it is finished”

Insulted by the crowd and one thief. 

Promised kingdom reward to the other thief. 


Darkness fell.

3:00 pm

Breathed his last breath.

The curtain was split.

The earth was shaken.

The tombs were open.

The dead were raised.

His side was pierced. 

Was taken down from the cross as a blood moon was rising. (Revelation 6:12)

Laid in the tomb. 



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