The Eternal Word of God

“But the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word which was preached to you.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭25‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

One of my favorite things to see is the eternal existence of the word of God. But to top that off is the tangible-ness of it today. Thanks to the printing press so many years ago we now have the Word of God in print. Thanks to the development of technology we have a ton of ways to read the Bible in pixel form. Today there is no excuse not to read our Bible other than not being able to read, to which there is also a solution. 

We have apps on our phones and MP3 players which are designated to play the Bible read to us. We have Youtube that has sermons from local churches to the big mega-churches across the globe. When you get the app “audible” they give you one free book. Make it the Bible in your favorite or a new translation and begin listening to it in your car or on the morning run, if you are into that, so that you can use the world's resources to help you listen to the Word of God. So we have no excuse to not hear the word of God. 

We have books published that will define and give us every Hebrew or Greek word found in the Bible, but wait there are Bible study apps like “Blue Letter Bible”, “Logos Bible”, and “Bible Discovery” that will allow us to also either look up the Hebrew or Greek meaning or allow us to buy and download books to help us study the Bible to greater depths. To study the Bible we don't have to be tied down to a desk with 2 to 5 books spread out in front of us. We can take notes on what we are studying close our phones and move across town and pick up where we left off. There is no excuse not to study the word of God.

With the abundance of ways to read, hear, and study the Bible there is a greater chance that we will be able to have some scripture memorized. But if you want to go deeper into Bible memorization there are ways that can help us. There is the note card method where you write down the verse(s) you want to memorize and you periodically try to memorize it during the day. But wait there is more. There is an app called “verselocker” that will send you notifications to remind you to play games that will help you to memorize the verses you are working on today and this week. There is no excuse not to memorize some scriptures or whole books.

Lastly, there is meditation on what we are reading, hearing, studying, and memorizing. What is mediation? I like to think of it as purposefully thinking about it. I have not found an app to make me think about the word of God. This is a discipline of the mind and body to put a pause on life for a few moments and just think about the word of God. It does not have to be done in a certain position facing a certain direction. But it still has to be a moment to stop with all the notifications of life and let God speak to you through your spirit.

Who among us will decide to read, hear, study, memorize, and meditate on the word of God for 1 hour more this week? That is 60 minutes in 7 days, that is 8 more minutes a day. Who will decide to spend 1 more hour each day? How about 2.5 hours each day? If we were to spend 2.5 hours each day that would be spending 10% of our time with the Living Word of God! For those who might take the challenge to either read or listen to the Bible in 80 days that is to spend just 1 hour reading or listening per day. To those who would accept the challenge to read through the Bible in a year that is to read 3-5 chapters a day that works out to be about 15 minutes a day. 

It takes me about 1 hour to type up BQTT each day. Now I need to be better motivated to spend another hour and a half in reading, hearing, memorization and meditation.


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