His Faithfulness
His provision
The first four chapters of Lamentations are broken up into three verse poems and are “numbered” with the next consecutive letter from the Hebrew alphabet. Verse 22 starts the “Khet” section. Let us look at the “Zayin” section.
“Remember my affliction and my homelessness, the wormwood and the poison. I continually remember them and have become depressed. Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope:”
Lamentations 3:19-21 HCSB
Jeremiah has become so overcome with grief that depression has taken over, but he knows something and he tries to call it to mind as often as possible.
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!”
Lamentations 3:22-23 HCSB
Our dark days and depressing situations will not last! God’s mercy is new every morning. His love for us is beyond all the things that try to keep us away from Him. Jeremiah is mourning the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the inhabitants of Judah (see Jeremiah 52:12-30).
But just around the corner Jeremiah would escort the remaining people from Jerusalem to Egypt (Jeremiah 43:5-7 HCSB) where the Daughter of the King of Judah would become a daughter of Pharaoh and is allegedly allowed to leave Egypt and settle in the land we now know as Scotland.
Where God would birth new nations, Great Britain and the USA to be nations for Him as long they will have Him.
God provided a way out of desperation for Jeremiah. God too will provide a way out of your desperation.
“For I know the plans I have for you” — this is the Lord’s declaration — “plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
God tells the people who are in exile in Babylon, “I know the plans I have for you”! And He can tell us the same thing. We know that He is telling us the truth because He cannot lie.
“God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind. Does He speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?”
When God speaks it happens and when He acts things change. Let us hold on till God moves in our direction. Every day is a new day in Him!
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